Health and Safety Protocol
As a precaution of COVID19, we request all of our guests and employees to take their body temperature checked. Cleaning all the facilities and public areas are taken regularly using disinfectant. If the body temperature is higher than 37,3°C, we will take our guest to the isolation room for further examination.
Because… Your safety & healthy are our priority.
Caring About Your Comfort & Wellbeing
Pandemic of Covid-19 bring us to live in a new normal. We commitment to cleanliness, health and safety of all our guests and employees. We closely monitoring new information and regularly updates the guidance on our appropriate processes and procedures. Maca Group strictly complies with all requirements set by the Indonesian government.
COVID-19のパンデミックを取り巻くこの度の状況は、私たちの生活の基盤を新しい様式へと移行せざるおえない形へと変化しております。マカグループではゲストの皆様、そして弊社スタッフの健康、安全、衛生を第一に配慮するべきこととし、皆様が安心して弊リゾートにご滞在頂けますよう日々努めております。また最新の情報にも注視し、適切なプロセスと手順を経たガイダンスを定期的に確認、更新して参ります。そしてマカグループはインドネシア政府が定めた最新の要請に従い、それに伴う最新の対策を常にアップデートして参ります。 以下、マカグループリゾート内での対応策を各部門に分けて明記しております。
Cleaning & Sanitation
We are conducting regular cleaning and sanitization of frequently touched surfaces and high-traffic areas such as reception area, restaurant, gym, stretching room, pools, wellness facilities, spa and restrooms. Routine cleaning extends to the employee areas such as offices, employee restrooms and breakrooms.
リゾート館内は定期的な清掃と消毒により常に清潔に保たれております。アルコール消毒液を各スポットに設置しており、お客様、従業員共にこまめに消毒が可能なようご用意しております。 特に多くのお客様が行き来し頻繁に触れる箇所、レセプションエリア、レストラン、ジム、フィットネスルーム、プール、ウェルネス施設、スパ、トイレなどは入念な清掃、消毒を徹底しております。もちろん従業員の利用するエリア、従業員用トイレ、休憩室、バックオフィス等にまで清掃、消毒を徹底しております。
In Villa Cleaning Service
Cleaning processes for daily housekeeping service including disinfection twice a day during guest stay and improved protocols around handling guest items and laundry. Keep the room empty at least for 24 hours after guest departure.
Hand Hygiene
All guests and employees required to wash hand each time they enter the premises. We provide hand-washing place and hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the resort to maintaining good hand hygiene as it is an important steps individuals that can take to protect themselves.
Masks & Gloves
Our employees are trained and well-equipped with masks, gloves and face shield, and the policies for utilizing them depends on department responsibilities, tasks and local guidance.
Guests also recommended to wear masks while in public areas.
Food and Beverage
We are implementing a new measurement, enhanced training protocols, food handling standards and sanitation guidelines, and a new service approach at restaurant. We re-arrange the seating capacity at the restaurant and improved in-villa dining to avoid crowding.
Temperature Checks
All guests and employees are required to have a body temperature check each time they enter the premises. During check-in, guests are asked if they are feeling well or showing any signs of illness, and anyone with a fever above 37 C (99 F) or who is experiencing any symptoms will be advised to see a doctor immediately.
What Else to Expect
All resorts and their outlets will comply with local and country-mandated occupancy limits.
Social distancing will be practiced in all areas of the resort and during transportation.
Temperature checks will be necessary on arrival, as well as reduced contact at check-in, cashless payments and frequent sanitization of keys and key cards.